Why Us

Why Animation Industry??

Animation is used to rouse, enlighten, notify and entertain.

Animation is the erection of moving pictures/images with the help of automation and animation software. VFX refers to the creation of awesome effects & pragmatic scenario in films by merging real-life images with animation using noteworthy software.

Why Us??

In Animation Bugs, students sharpen their technical skills, apply concepts of animation & VFX learnt in the classroom & create quality animation films. Animation courses are taught by expert faculty who are trained, tested & certified to ensure that their knowledge is in step with latest industry trends. The faculty also mentor students, guiding them in developing professional quality show reels that win various international awards..

Career Opportunities JOB ROLES

In Animation Bugs, students sharpen their technical skills, apply concepts of animation & VFX learnt in the classroom & create quality animation films. Animation courses are taught by expert faculty who are trained, tested & certified to ensure that their knowledge is in step with latest industry trends. The faculty also mentor students, guiding them in developing professional quality show reels that win various international awards..

3d Animation

The formation of moving pictures in a 3-dimensional digital environment. It is finished by arranging consecutive images or 'frames' in a moderate development of steps, filmed by a virtual 'camera' & then output to video by a rendering engine.

2d Animation

The modeling of moving pictures in a 2-dimensional environment, such as through traditional cel animation or in computerized animation software.

Web Designing

Designing websites, creating rich media content for the web, viral ads and internet games.


Blending live action footage with computer generated characters, objects and effects to create pragmatic computer generated digital video & film sequence.


Designing games for PC, Internet, Touch pads, Mobile & Consoles (such as Play station or Xbox).


Modeling design and audio-visual content using different media & formats such as text, pictures, music, sound, videos, films, animations, and more.


Electronic learning relates to the use of learning & teaching via electronic technology -computer software, internet, audio/video devices, TV, etc. Founders of E-learning modules use rich media, audio, video & graphics to instruct a particular topic.